Since we’re here as humans to expand our soul’s learning, experimenting for higher vibes will help fulfill the goals your spirit has set. Let’s start with 3 simple ways you can improve your vibe level in a snap: Spend time in places you enjoy. If a place is giving you negative vibes, get out! You can find a proper, respectful way to do it, but show yourself respect by finding your way to a place you adore no matter how…..
The reason we’re here on this earth to expand our souls. Earth isn’t even our true home! Our true home is heaven. That’s where everything is light and peaceful. So light and peaceful, in fact, that we, as spirits, wanted to come here where everything is tougher and less peaceful. We purposely put a veil between ourselves and the spiritual world so that our souls have to search for meaning and purpose. That sounds crazy, right?And… we did it even…..
When Vibration Experiment first began, it was in the form of notes I was writing to myself. Prior to that, when starting classes for my Master’s Degree, I needed help with a computer issue. I didn’t know needing help would change my life! When I asked in class, a fellow student named Vicki answered the question, extending her help by giving me her phone number and even telling me what time to call her that afternoon. We became fast friends……